The Conference Proceedings represent the fundamental research project “Linguistics of intermediality and challenges of today: Polimodality of mind, intersemioticity of text, polilogue of cultures”, supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The materials highlight the problematics related to the phenomenology of intermediality in its evolution, traced in various spheres of culture and art, in correlation with the adjacent phenomena of multimodality and intersemioticity. The conference papers demonstrate the results of a wide range of multidisciplinary intermediality research that embraces its linguistic, literary, translatological, and cultural facets. The Proceedings include abstracts of the conference papers presented by Ukrainian researchers and foreign scholars from Great Britain, Poland, Germany, Sweden, Japan, New Zealand, etc. The Book of Abstracts is intended for scholars of philology and arts, for students and doctoral students of philological departments, as well as a wide range of those who are interested in humanities.
Матеріали ІІІ Міжнародної наукової конференції Української асоціації когнітивної лінгвістики і поетики (УАКЛіП)
КНЛУ, Київ, 20−21 травня 2021 р.