The article is devoted to the study of phraseology and the role of
the discipline “Foreign Language for Specific Purposes” (FLSP) for students of
higher education. Phraseologisms are a means of expressing emotions and evaluating
the depicted events. They help to know customs, traditions and culture,
to understand the mentality of people who speak the language. Phraseological
units have been and remain the subject of research by many linguists however
the role and importance of phraseology in FLSP classroom for students of higher
education have received little attention from researchers, which determines
the relevance of the study. The purpose of the article is to investigate the role
of phraseological units in FLSP classroom for students of economic specialities
in higher education institutions. The research object is phraseology in English
and Ukrainian. The research subject is translation features of phraseology in
FLSP classroom for students of economic specialities. The research material is
the phraseology of the English language and phraseological units corresponding
to the Ukrainian language, selected by a method of continuous sampling from the
textbooks used in FLSP classroom. The methods of analysis, descriptive, comparative,
system-structural, contextual, inductive and deductive were used in the
work to solve the purpose of the study. Analysis of phraseology used at FLSP
shows that they are from different areas (economics, politics, religion, education,
law, etc.). The work with English phraseology in FLSP classroom is in 3 stages:
acquaintance, training and active use of the phraseological units. The translation
occupies a special place in FLSP classroom in working with phraseology because
in many cases it is impossible to translate literally. After all, in the content
of phraseology, there is a specific national picture. Areas of further research are
the expressive and stylistic potential of phraseology used in FLSP classroom for
students of higher education, as well as the semantic classification of English
phraseology and features of translation into Ukrainian.