The article represents theoretical aspects about the adequate translation of idiomatic English units as they reflect
the national character of the people and contain heritage from all spheres of human life. Active use of idioms correctly in
speech, feeling the stylistic aspect, is necessary for everyone who masters the language. The study aim is to determine
the theoretical aspects about translation of idiomatic expressions by analyzing their structural and semantic features, paying
attention to the national identity in English and the means of their handing in Ukrainian. The study object is idiomatic
units in English. The study subject is theoretical aspects about translation of idioms from English into Ukrainian. Research
methods: systematization, comparison, analysis, translation; functional, constructive, stylistic, and descriptive methods.
Idioms are units of constant context with meaning integrity. They are characterized by imagery and expressiveness.
They are divided into idioms that cannot be changed at all; idioms that are fixed in some parts, and others the phrase is
free; idioms with changes in their unfixed parts. The most problematic issue is the adequate translation of idioms from
the original language. Adequate translation is the reproduction of the unity of content and form of the original through
another language. The main types of translation of idiomatic units are literal, equivalent-complete, equivalent-incomplete
and descriptive. For an adequate translation of English idioms it is necessary to take into account the figurative, visual,
emotional, stylistic and ethnic-national components. The prospect of further research is to analyze the features related to
the translation of idiomatic units at English language classes for students of higher education.
Стаття у збірнику наукових праць Закарпатські філологічні студії: збірник наукових праць. – Ужгородський національний університет. – м. Ужгород: Видавничий дім «Гельветика. – Вип. 21. Т. 2, 2022. – С. 172-177. Категорія «Б» DOI https://doi.org/10.32782/tps2663-4880/2022.21.2.35