The article explores the ideographic classification of English phraseological
units denoting such components of a conflict situation as crime and punishment. The
study identified the semantic content of the concepts of ‘crime’ and ‘punishment’ by
analyzing the explanatory dictionaries of the English language; made a selection of
English phraseological units denoting crime and punishment; formed their
ideographic classification.
Лінгвокомп'ютерні дослідження: зб. наук. праць / Донецький нац. ун-т ім. Василя
Стуса; гол. ред. А. Загнітко. Вінниця: ДонНУ ім. Василя Стуса, 2022. Вип. 15. 137 с.
ISBN 978-966-639-457-9
ISSN 2307-0544