The article is devoted to the study of economic safety and the formation of innovationoriented
model of development national economy. The basis for scientific research аre works
of prominent domestic and foreign scientists and own development. The aim of this work is
development of proposals for improvement innovation safety of the national economy.
Economic essence of the concept "innovative safety", the definition of its components and the
investigation of threats are identified. In the article a comparative analysis of interpretations
of definition "innovative safety" by the scientists which studying this phenomenon in different
areas are held. The authors have investigated and classified the factors of violation of
economic safety. Components of innovation safety of national economy are identified.
Researchers have created an algorithm for constructing innovative safety of the national
economy. The early warning system of possible threats and crises is created. This system
allows you to take into account information about possible threats. This system is based on a
diagnosis of the level of innovation safety. it is possible to construct a diagram of an effective
system for diagnosing the level of innovative safety. In this article the authors identified the
main threats to innovative safety of the national economy and has developed proposals for
their elimination. The main task is creating conditions for innovative development of the
national economy and providing an innovative safety as a component of economic security of
the state. Innovative security is defined as a complex multifactorial phenomenon, which
characterizes the ability of the national economy to continuously reproduce and disseminate
new knowledge to balance the needs of society. It is possible to provide for the protection of
national interests, resistance to external and internal threats, capacity for sustainable
development and the protection of the vital interests of person, society and state.