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Authors: Оверчук, В.А.
Keywords: pedagogical science employers
intolerant mobbing management
mobbing resistance
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: The article is dedicates to the problems of intolerant authority, which despite the creative or developing management operating methods of disorganization, decoordination, destimulation, demotivation, decompetention, etc. One of the tools of this type of management can be mobbing. Mobbing spreads very quickly in working community. Usually, the development of this process is associated with a poor level of management, the Director's inexperience in the field of conflict resolution and poor organization of work in general. The author examines the concept of "mobbing", "bossing", "intolerant". The analysis of psychological features of managers who are prone to intolerant. As result of mobbing, scientific and pedagogical workers lose their confidence, make mistakes, get fired. The result of mobbing is depersonalization of the negative mobilization, the fear of making decisions, the fear to defend, escape from freedom, from taking responsibility and selections. This article discusses options for protection from bossing: from the simplest – aggression, hysteria, escape, etc. to more mature supporting human dignity. Awareness of the manager and the team benefits the use of "soft" tools (beliefs, explanations, coordination, cooperation, assistance, explanations, warnings, etc.), over the hard devastating means of control (moralization, beliefs, notation, dictate the requirement, manipulation, etc.) leads to qualitative changes in management practices and increase the efficiency of the activities in educational institutions and in the overall quality of education.
Appears in Collections:Методичні рекомендації

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