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Title: Особливості формування мотивації до праці в осіб з особливими потребами за сучасних умов соціально-економічного розвитку України
Other Titles: Features of formation of labour motivation of individuals whit special needs in modern conditions of socio-economic development of Ukraine
Authors: Оверчук, В.А.
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: The article is considered with complicated process of labour motivation of people with limited physical abilities, which final goal is effective employment of physically challenged persons. Only two out of hundred physically challenged persons recovered their efficiency. This causes to social tension, poverty, exposure, material and moral degradation of people with disabilities and their families. The author believes that employment and vocational rehabilitation of the physically challenged persons is necessary stipulation for achieving right spiritual condition of the nation, a high level of social maturity and morality of society. It determines the necessity of these process investigations and improve their directions of justification, which are extremely difficult problem.
Appears in Collections:Методичні рекомендації

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