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Назва: Курган эпохи бронзы у села Запорожец (бассейн Кальмиуса, Северо-Восточное Приазовье)
Інші назви: Курганы Донбасса (сборник статей)
Автори: Литвиненко, Р. А.
Зарайская, Н. П.
Дата публікації: 2004
Видавництво: Донецк: "Лебедь"
Серія/номер: Археологический альманах;№ 14 - С. 203-232
Короткий огляд (реферат): This paper is devoted to the puЬlication of а Ьапоw was excavated Ьу an expedition of Donetsk State University in 1979 in the North-EastemAzov region. In а barrow, 22 Bronze Age burials and one burial of tl1e medical period were investigated. The barrow's embankment had а complex architecture. The most ancient were burials 18, 19, 22 and, probably, buria1 16. Three or four primary embankments were built above them, in а chain along а northeast-soutl1wcst 1ine. All these burials go back to an ear1y stage of the BaЬino culture. Two of them (No 19, 22) have attributes of the men's ceremonial group. In buriall9, destroyed Ьу later burial19a, fragments of rare bronze ornaments were preserved: а short tubule curtailed from а plate and а spring from а rod. Such jewellery is found in late corded-ware ( or post-corded-ware) pottery cultures of Europe (period А 1 -А2 on Reineke), such as Stzhizhov, Gorodok-ZdolЬitsa, Pochapsky types and monuments at the end of the Middle Broпze Age of the Northeast Caucasus (Ginchi culture). Tl1cse data, alongside other types of data, can Ьс used for the construction of а relative chronology sequence. In buriallб, а four-year-old girl was buried. On her wrists, she had bracelets consisting of faience beads of various forms. The most interesting of them are beads with two knobs ("homs") which are characteristic of the early chronological horizon of the Babino culture. Such artefacts are known in burials of the late period Catacomb cultures, post-catacomb cultures of the Steppc before the Caucasus and so-called cultures of"fighting chariots" in the Volga-Ural region (Sintashta, Pokrovsk type ), that can attest to their partial synchronism. Burial18 represents а rare type: а repeated (secondary) burial place or so-called exclamation ( decimation); the hшnап bones have been stacked in а hole. Iп burial 19а, dated to the late period of the BaЬino culture, а round bone pendant, usually termed "belt-buckle", has been found. The followiпg phase of cemetery function is attributed to the population of timber-grave cultures. Their tombs were dug out from а surface of earlier embankrпents and placed as parallel chains. The funeral goods typically included clay vessels, more rarely objects of flint and bone, and faience beads. The most recent is burial 2, dated to the Middle Ages (10th-11th century) and сап Ье identified as monuments of late nomads.
Опис: Стаття в Археологічному альманасі "Курганы Донбасса"
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://r.donnu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2141
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