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Другие названия: Development of social partnership in the system of region economic relations
Авторы: ПРЯМУХІНА, Н. В.
Ключевые слова: соціальне партнерство
система економічних відносин регіону
соціальний діалог
соціальна відповідальність
social partnership
system of region economic relations
social dialogue
social responsibility
Дата публикации: 2018
Серия/номер: ЧАСОПИС ЕКОНОМІЧНИХ РЕФОРМ науково-виробничий журнал;№ 3 (31), С. 83 - 88
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The modern system of economic relations of some country regions requires the formation of a sustain-able social partnership system, which involves a wide range of publics in cooperation. The purpose of the study is to identify the features and conditions for the effective development of social partnership in the sys-tem of region economic relations of Ukraine. The subject of the study is the theoretical and practical princi-ples for formation of an effective system of social partnership at the level of Ukrainian regions. The study uses methods of systematic approach, structural-logical analysis, synthesis and generalization. The hypothe-sis of the study involves the approach by which the system of economic relations of the region is formed at the expense of the interaction of various social groups representatives, ignoring the interests of any group is impossible, and the formation of partnerships will contribute to the stability of the economic system in the region. During the research it was discovered that two different approaches to social partnership develop-ment were formed in the national scientific publications, which were proposed to be combined and supple-mented: the social dialogue between the authorities, business and representatives of trade unions and other public associations, which, due to their own social responsibility forms a stable partner socio-economic rela-tionship are recognized as a bases of social partnership at the regional level. The identified features of the development of social partnership are a three-tier mechanism for its formation; certain weaknesses of the system and the provided recommendations will allow to liquidate the formal approach and introduce an ef-fective system of social partnership in the system of economic relations for the Ukraine regions, which makes the original and practical significance of the research. The modern system of social partnership in Ukraine needs to be updated at the regional level to involve a wide range of participants, taking into account their interests in the system of economic relations, therefore further research will be devoted to detailing the organizational and economic mechanism of forming a social partnership for the stable region development
Описание: Стаття у науково-виробничому журналі ЧАСОПИС ЕКОНОМІЧНИХ РЕФОРМ
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://r.donnu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2290
Располагается в коллекциях:Бібліографічні матеріали

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