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Title: Ріст та культурально-морфологічні особливості деяких штамів Laetiporus sulphureus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) за дії лазерного опромінення
Authors: РЕШЕТНИК, Катерина С.
Keywords: growth rate
vegetative mycelium
вегетативний міцелій
швидкість росту
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Київ: Інститут ботаніки ім. М. Г. Холодного НАН України
Series/Report no.: Ukrainian Botanical Journal;2020, 77(6), p. 472-479
Abstract: The article provides growth, cultural and morphological characteristics of the vegetative mycelium on agar nutrient medium under the influence of laser irradiation for three strains of Laetiporus sulphureus from the Collection of basidiomycete cultures of the Department of Botany and Ecology of Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University. The study was performed on potatoglucose agar (РGA) at a temperature of 26 ± 1 °C. It has been found that cultural and morphological characteristics of the colonies and the radial rate of their growth depend on the duration of irradiation (5 and 10 s) and the wavelength of light – green (532 nm), blue (405 nm) and red light (635 nm). For all studied strains of L. sulphureus, the most effective irradiation is that with green light (irradiation energy 51.1 mJ/cm2) lasting 10 s. Under the influence of this regime, the rate of radial mycelium growth increased from 23.4% to 66.7%, respectively, and the inoculum and the central zone of the surrounding colony formed a denser and higher mycelium of a pale sandy color. In general, the cultural and morphological features of the mycelial colonies of L. sulphureus strains under different conditions were somewhat different, but they were typical for this species.
Description: Стаття у науковому виданні Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 2020, 77(6), розділ Biotechnology, Physiology and Biochemistry
Appears in Collections:Методичні рекомендації

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