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Title: Соціальні мережі та месенджери як інструмент для викладання історії в українських ВНЗ
Other Titles: Social Networks and Messengers as a Tool for Teaching History in Ukrainian Universities
Authors: Пшемицька, Євгенія
Keywords: social network
higher education
соціальна мережа
вища освіта
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Дніпро: Дніпропетровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара
Series/Report no.: ГРАНІ. ІСТОРІЯ;Том 25 № 6, с. 74-79
Abstract: Actuality. Today, social networks and messengers are present every day in the life of a modern person, and act not only as tools for communication, but also have a powerful educational potential. In this regard, the study of the peculiarities of the use of social networks and messengers as tools in the educational process becomes relevant. The goal of this article is to investigate the peculiarities of using social networks and messengers as tools for teaching history in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. The results. The study highlights the educational possibilities of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Telegram, as these networks and applications are the most popular, according to research and surveys, among Ukrainian students. The article presents options for tasks that can be performed in social networks and messengers, materials and channels that will be useful to teachers. The work highlights the difficulties that teachers and students may face when using these tools and offers options for solving the problems. First of all, these are errors, inaccuracies, falsified data, in this regard, the teacher must check the materials he presents in classes and urge and teach students to be careful with the information they find and use, check it with other official sources and materials. It is important to develop and provide students with clear, understandable assessment criteria when working with social networks and messengers. The appropriateness of the use of these tools during the study of a certain topic, subject for qualitative assimilation of the material and not overloading is of significant importance. The conclusions. It has been established that the use of social networks and messengers during the study of history at a university contributes to overcoming psychological barriers, developing creativity, creativity, digital skills among students, understanding the need to observe information hygiene, combating misinformation, historical myths and fakes. Under the condition of conscious and responsible teaching of history and the use of digital tools, it is possible to minimize all risks, and social networks and messengers will become useful in highlighting certain topics, securing materials, and completing tasks.
Description: Стаття у виданні Науково-теоретичный альманах "Грані" Дніпропетровського національного університету імені Олеся Гончара, Серія Історія. Том 25 № 6 2022
Appears in Collections:Бібліографічні матеріали

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