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  • Ізмалкова, А.В. (2019)
    Розкрито суть маніпулятивного впливу комунікативної тактики «зміщення акценту» на реципієнта. Досліджені структурні та комунікативні особливості рекламних текстів, в яких використана тактика «зміщення акценту», на прикладі ...
  • Ptashchenko, Liana; Svistun, Lyudmila; Volkova, Valeriya; Khudolii, Yuliia (2018)
    To confirm the author's hypothesis about what the negative impact on the state of the national economy have not so much economic or political factors, but latent character factors. The influence of latent factors on ...
  • Abdullin, A.I.; Akimenko, Y.Y.; Antsupova, T.О.; Asatullin, I.R.; Biriukov, P.N.; Davletgildeev, R.Sh.; Galushko, D.V.; Gladenko, О.М.; Grynyuk, R.F.; Tuliakov, V.A.; Keshner, M.V.; Kislitsina, O.V.; Krakovskaya, A.E.; Kryvtsova, I.S.; Mylnikova, I.Y.; Racheva, S.S.; Romanchuk, S.V.; Shaykhutdinova, G.R.; Turchenko, O.G.; Tyurina, N.E.; Yakovlev, A.A.; Zhdanov, I.N. (2016)
    The article describes the modern international legal framework for the universal and regional regulation of the status of migrant workers, shows scientific approaches to regulating certain types of labor migration and ...
  • Краснобаєва-Чорна, Ж.В. (2019)
  • Yermishev, O.V. (2018)
    Background. Disorders of autonomic nervous system caused up to 80% of functional disorders. There is no information about the influence of magnetotherapy (MT) on the indicators of vegetative homeostasis, which disturbance ...
  • Іщук, Н.; Свіргун, А. (2020)
    У статті розглядається використання лінгвістичних аспектів в англійських рекламних слоганах. Матеріалом для дослідження є корпус із понад 200 англомовних слоганів комерційної реклами, вибірково відібраних з Інтернет-джерел. ...
  • Загнітко, Анатолій; Краснобаєва-Чорна, Жанна; Гушпіт, Ольга; Ситар, Ганна; Важеніна, Олена; Клименко, Наталія; Мельник, Наталія; Романишин, Наталія; Царьова, Ірина; Мізін, Костянтин; Коростенські, Йиржі; Черненко, Ольга; Болкарьова, Олександра; Антонюк, Олена; Загнітко, Анатолій; Мойсієнко, Анатолій; Струганець, Любов (2020)
    The collection considers current issues of the theory of language, ascertains the tendencies of evolution of morphological and syntactic categories, identifies the topical issues of comparative-typological study of languages, ...
  • Krupelnytska, L.F.; Shportun, O.M. (2017)
    The article is devoted to the analysis of humor forms considering personality pathologization. Various forms of humor manifestation, in accordance with our proposed regulatory-level model, reflect the dominance of a ...
  • Kostenyuk, Y.; Kapitonets, M. (2019)
    The article defines the concepts of «outsourcing» and «insourcing», identifies the main types of outsourcing. Outsourcing and insourcing are characterized by a comparative method. It has been determined that outsourcing ...
  • Polovyi, Mykola (Bucharest, Romania: International Political Science Conference, 2019-06)
    The paper is an attempt to estimate the influence of long-term structural-demographic factors on political stability in contemporary transitive states such as Ukraine. Interpretation of this synergetic factor is lean on ...
  • Rusakov, V.F.; Kuchuk, O.I.; Abaloszewa, I.; Chumak, O.M.; Chabanenko, V.V.; Abaloszew, A.; Nabiałek, A.; Puz´niak, A. (2019)
  • Ягунов, Д. В. (Вінниця: ДонНУ імені Василя Стуса "Політичне життя", 2020)
    The main idea of this paper refers to the resumption of torture as a phenomenon in ХХ century and also the spread of this undoubtedly disgusting phenomenon in the new Millennium. It is it linked to the category of «security», ...
  • Kozlovskyi, Serhii; Baidala, Viktoriia; Tkachuk, Olga; Kozyrska, Tetiana (2018)
    Nowadays there is no single generally accepted definition of "sustainability development of the agrarian branch (sector)", which is caused by underdevelopment and the controversy of sustainable development concepts, lack ...
  • Kozlovskyi, Serhii; Butyrskyi, Andrii; Poliakov, Boris; Bobkova, Antonina; Lavrov, Ruslan; Ivanyuta, Natalya (2019)
    Managing and evaluating the probability of bankruptcy of Ukrainian enterprises is one of the most complex and relevant problems of the economy and management. In the context of Ukraine’s integration into the international ...
  • ULKO, Yevhenii; KUCHER, Anatolii; SALKOVA, Iryna; PRIAMUKHINA, Nataliia (Romania: ASERS Publishing, University of Craiova, 2018)
    The article deals with the issues of the management of soil fertility based on the application of two methodological approaches to arable land normative monetary evaluation (NME). These researches have been conducted on ...
    Abstract: This article is devoted to assessing the impact of technology transfer on developing countries. The main purpose of the study is to determine the impact of production and technology transfer on the level of ...
  • Kozlovskyi, Serhii; Khadzhynov, Illya; Vlasenko, Ivan; Marynchak, Liliya (2017)
    Therefore, nowadays the issues of studying the categories of «economic sustainability», «economic sustainability management» and the peculiarities of these concepts are especially relevant. Their use would provide an ...
  • Kozlovskyi, Serhii; Bolhov, Vladyslav; Yousuf, Allam; Batechko, Albina; Hlushchenko, Larisa; Vitka, Nataliia (2019)
    The marketing development of the electric vehicle market can be considered as a key element of innovative changes in the national economy. Object of research is the development of the electric vehicle market. The purpose ...
  • Kozlovskyi, Serhii; Bolhov, Vladyslav; Yousuf, Allam; Batechko, Albina; Hlushchenko, Larisa; Vitka, Nataliia (Суми: LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives”, 2019)
    The marketing development of the electric vehicle market can be considered as a key element of innovative changes in the national economy. Object of research is the development of the electric vehicle market. The purpose ...