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  • Khorunzhak, Nadiya; Belova, Iryna; Zavytii, Olha; Tomchuk, Viktor; Fabiianska, Viktoriia (2020)
    The authors conducted a study of the current audit quality control system in Ukraine to develop proposals according to the main areas of its development and improvement based on the positive foreign experience and criteria ...
    The article focuses on the socio-psychological integration of people with disabilities, which remains an important issue for most countries. The author refers to a number of studies conducted in Ukraine and abroad, which ...
  • Klymchuk, Oleksandr; Varchenko, Olha; Danylenko, Anatolii; Klymchuk, Alona; Krysanov, Dmytro; Herasymenko, Iryna (2020)
    The purpose of the article is to determine the strategy of development and effective principles of regulation of biofuels production in Ukraine at the competitive level. To systematize historical trends in the development ...
  • Klymchuk, O.V.; Khodakivska, O.V. (2019)
    The purpose of the article is to substantiate fundamental principles and systemic approaches regarding efficient regulation of national competitive biofuels production. Research methods. The following scientific methods ...
  • Rusakov, V.F.; Kuchuk, E.I.; Abaloszewa, I.; Nabiałek, A.; Chabanenko, V.V. (2015)
  • Shan, Maria A. (2017)
    The removability of an isolated singularity for solutions to the quasilinear equation is proved.
  • Shan, M.A. (2017)
    We study a class of quasilinear parabolic equations with model representative. We establish the pointwise condition for removability of singularity for solutions of such equations.
  • Архипенко, Л.М.; Бербер, Н.М.; Берестова, А.А.; Білоконенко, Л.А.; Бороденко, Л.М.; Бортун, К.О.; Булава, Н.Ю.; Голтвеницька, М.В.; Донік, О.М.; Дьолог, О.С.; Жовтобрюх, В.Ф.; Кисла, Н.В.; Козловська, Д.В.; Коротич, К.В.; Коcтич, Л.М.; Кущ, Н.В.; Мартиновська, Ю.О.; Medvid, N.S.; Попойлик, Ю.Д.; Стовбур, Л.М.; Сулима, О.П.; Теглівець, Ю.В.; Теглівець, О.В.; Труба, Г.М.; Tsareva, I.V.; Шмілик, І.Д.; Дроздовський, Д.І.; Приходько, О.Ю.; Храбан, Т.Е.; Бойко, Л.П.; Зубець, Н.О.; Dubtsova, O.V.; Євтушенко, Н.І.; Желязкова, В.В.; Загнітко, А.П.; Ільєнкова, В.В.; Мєшков, М.О.; Овсейчик, С.В.; Петренко, Є.М.; Пономарьова, Л.В.; Rudenko, M.Yu.; Середницька, А.Я.; Syvokin, H.V.; Kartel, T.М.; Слободинська, Т.С.; Фаріон, І.Д.; Холявко, І.В.; Дорошина, Л.Ф.; Ткач, П.Б.; Ільченко, О.А.; Лисенко, Н.О.; Живіцька, І.А.; Kramar, V.B.; Matsiuk, O.О.; Sierhieieva, O.V.; Москвітіна, Д.А.; Окатьєва, І.І.; Пустовойт, Н.І.; Skriabina, V.В.; Стоянова, І.Д. (2019)
  • Лактіонова, О.А.; Бензар, О.В. (2020)
    Циклічність світової економіки зумовлює необхідність аналізу взаємозв’язків між різними економічними явищами, оскільки вони мають прямий вплив на виникнення циклічних зрушень у процесі руху як локального, так і глобального ...
  • Polischuk, Natalia; Kichuk, Yaroslav; Laktionova, Oleksandra; Kalinin, Oleksandr; Maltsev, Maksim (2020)
    The research of the information and high-tech progress development in the socio-humanitarian aspect allowed us to reveal its consequences in the context of natural and civilizational challenges and areas of financing ...
  • Rusakov, V.F.; Nabiałek, A.; Chabanenko, V.V.; Vasiliev, S.; Kuzovoi, N. (2012)
  • MOVCHAN, LARYSA; ZARISHNIAK, INNA (К.-Хмельницький: ХНУ, 2017)
    The article considers the role of elective courses in professional development of students of economics. Modern European education is developing on the principles of democratization and humanization, where democratization ...
  • Tomchuk, O.F.; Tomchuk, V.V. (2018)
    The article considers the essence of the analytical system, its methodological basis, principles of economic analysis and outlines the content of administrative and financial analysis. The indicated subsystems of management ...
  • Mitiushkina, Khrystyna; Atamanchuk, Zarina; Makohin, Zoryana (2020)
    During the last 50 years, many countries have struggled the middle income trap. The purpose of article is the analysis of tourism as factor in the state’s recovery from “the middle-income trap”. The economic development ...
  • Mokrá, Lucia; Juchniewicz, Piotr; Modrzejewski, Arkadiusz (2019)
    The European Union treats the principle of the rule of law as one of the fundamental values of the European axiological system. The EU as a community of values treats the rule of law as a categorical imperative, which is ...
  • Viktoriia, Overchuk (2020)
    The states around the world are trying to establish an effective rehabilitation system which would provide persons with disabilities the meaningful life and integration / reintegration into society. The problems of the ...
  • Rodinkova, Victoria; Kremenska, Lilia; Palamarchuk, Olena; Motruk, Iryna; Alexandrova, Elena; Dudarenko, Oxana; Vakolyuk, Larysa; Yermishev, Oleh (2018)
    The control of plant pollen season patterns is especially important in the expectation of climate change, as the timing of potential varying pollen seasons affects the human population. An ever-increasing number of people ...
  • Makogon, Y.; Osypenko, K. (2017)
    The article deals with the historical background fon the creation of the Silk Road. Based on the research conducted the article defines the routes of cargo transportation of the ancient and modem Silk Road and analyzes the ...
  • Zapukhliak, I.M. (2019)
    Distinguishing among social classes in complex modern urban societies is probably becoming more and more difficult, particularly with the growth of twentieth-century 'egalitarianism'. When the group of speakers being ...