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  • Overchuk, Victoriia; Liashch, Oksana; Yatsiuk, Mariia; Ihnatovych, Olena; Maliar, Olena (International Journal of Health Sciences,, 2022)
    The aim of the study the need for security has always been one of the most important human challenges at any age. People have always suffered and had to defend themselves against a variety of threats. Currently, the number ...
  • Zarishniak, Inna; Liashch, Oksana; Boichenko, Artem; Gomonyuk, Elena; etc (LUMEN Publishing House. Romania, 2020-04-09)
    Life activities of students from higher education institutions are largely influenced by certain adverse factors (social, psychological, environmental ones), which in turn negatively affect their physical and mental health ...
  • MATOKHNIUK, Lyudmila; AVRAMENKO, Natalia; KUSHNIR, Yulia; SHPORTUN, Оksana; SHEVCHUK, Viktoriya; SHOROBURA, Inna; KAPLINSKY, Vasyl; OVERCHUK, Victoria; KOVAL, Tetyana (BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience. Romania, 2021)
    Personal anxiety in adolescence is largely determined by psychological factors (personal, adaptive, motivational), and the correction of personal anxiety in adolescents is possible by combining two areas of work: reducing ...
  • Korotsinska, Julia (м.Люблін: «KELM» Knowledge, Education, Law, Management, 2021)
    Annotation. The article considers the motivation for emotional self-regulation and describes the importance of the motivational component in the structure of emotional self-regulation of adolescents. It includes the ...
  • Overchuk, Viktoriia (Germany, Sergeieva&Co, Karlsruhe, 2022)
    The article is devoted to the study of cohesion of servicemen as one of the important factors determining the nature of interaction in the military collective. The author emphasizes that the cohesion of servicemen largely ...
  • Overchuk, Viktoriia; Yaroshchuk, Marianna; Danylchenko, Tetiana; Litvinova, Anastasiia; Absalyamova, Larysa (UNIV FED SAO CARLOS, 2021-08)
    The aim of the present study is to determine a set of interconnected methods and techniques of psychological counseling in overcoming life crises for clients of all ages. In an online survey, 182 psychologists-prac ...
  • Оverchuk, V. А.; Potaieva, K. S. (Київ: СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2021)
    The article substantiates the problem of the emergence, manifestation and spread of such a modern relevant phenomenon as phubbing and FOMO in the article. It was also revealed the essence of the risks of using information ...
  • Overchuk, Viktoriya (2019)
    The article highlights the meanings of the deviant behavior of teenagers in terms of transformation of functions of society. Destructive processes that at the present stage, engulfing diverse public sphere, economic ...
  • Overchuk, Victoriia; Ostenda, Aleksander (Вінниця: ДонНУ імені Василя Стуса, 2021-11-19)
    У матеріалах І Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Акту- альні проблеми реалізації адаптаційного потенціалу особистості в сучасних умовах життєдіяльності» представлено актуальні теоре- тичні та прикладні дослідження ...
  • Overchuk, Viktoriia Anatoliivna (2020)
    The article is devoted to there search of the problem of educational environment’s psychological safety in IHE during the interaction of its participants. For this purpose, the psychological features of the inhibitor ...
  • Khorunzhak, Nadiya; Belova, Iryna; Zavytii, Olha; Tomchuk, Viktor; Fabiianska, Viktoriia (2020)
    The authors conducted a study of the current audit quality control system in Ukraine to develop proposals according to the main areas of its development and improvement based on the positive foreign experience and criteria ...
    The article focuses on the socio-psychological integration of people with disabilities, which remains an important issue for most countries. The author refers to a number of studies conducted in Ukraine and abroad, which ...
  • Klymchuk, Oleksandr; Varchenko, Olha; Danylenko, Anatolii; Klymchuk, Alona; Krysanov, Dmytro; Herasymenko, Iryna (2020)
    The purpose of the article is to determine the strategy of development and effective principles of regulation of biofuels production in Ukraine at the competitive level. To systematize historical trends in the development ...
  • Klymchuk, O.V.; Khodakivska, O.V. (2019)
    The purpose of the article is to substantiate fundamental principles and systemic approaches regarding efficient regulation of national competitive biofuels production. Research methods. The following scientific methods ...
  • Rusakov, V.F.; Kuchuk, E.I.; Abaloszewa, I.; Nabiałek, A.; Chabanenko, V.V. (2015)
  • Shan, Maria A. (2017)
    The removability of an isolated singularity for solutions to the quasilinear equation is proved.
  • Shan, M.A. (2017)
    We study a class of quasilinear parabolic equations with model representative. We establish the pointwise condition for removability of singularity for solutions of such equations.
  • Архипенко, Л.М.; Бербер, Н.М.; Берестова, А.А.; Білоконенко, Л.А.; Бороденко, Л.М.; Бортун, К.О.; Булава, Н.Ю.; Голтвеницька, М.В.; Донік, О.М.; Дьолог, О.С.; Жовтобрюх, В.Ф.; Кисла, Н.В.; Козловська, Д.В.; Коротич, К.В.; Коcтич, Л.М.; Кущ, Н.В.; Мартиновська, Ю.О.; Medvid, N.S.; Попойлик, Ю.Д.; Стовбур, Л.М.; Сулима, О.П.; Теглівець, Ю.В.; Теглівець, О.В.; Труба, Г.М.; Tsareva, I.V.; Шмілик, І.Д.; Дроздовський, Д.І.; Приходько, О.Ю.; Храбан, Т.Е.; Бойко, Л.П.; Зубець, Н.О.; Dubtsova, O.V.; Євтушенко, Н.І.; Желязкова, В.В.; Загнітко, А.П.; Ільєнкова, В.В.; Мєшков, М.О.; Овсейчик, С.В.; Петренко, Є.М.; Пономарьова, Л.В.; Rudenko, M.Yu.; Середницька, А.Я.; Syvokin, H.V.; Kartel, T.М.; Слободинська, Т.С.; Фаріон, І.Д.; Холявко, І.В.; Дорошина, Л.Ф.; Ткач, П.Б.; Ільченко, О.А.; Лисенко, Н.О.; Живіцька, І.А.; Kramar, V.B.; Matsiuk, O.О.; Sierhieieva, O.V.; Москвітіна, Д.А.; Окатьєва, І.І.; Пустовойт, Н.І.; Skriabina, V.В.; Стоянова, І.Д. (2019)
  • Лактіонова, О.А.; Бензар, О.В. (2020)
    Циклічність світової економіки зумовлює необхідність аналізу взаємозв’язків між різними економічними явищами, оскільки вони мають прямий вплив на виникнення циклічних зрушень у процесі руху як локального, так і глобального ...