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  • Vyshnovetska, Svitlana; Amelicheva, Liliya; Olefir, Viktor; Ierko, Galyna; Petrenko, Ganna (2020)
    Purpose of the study: The purpose of the article is to identify trends in the legal regulation of social protection at the global, regional and national levels in the process of achieving decent work and sustainable ...
  • Dotsenko, O.; Boiarska, Z. (2018)
    The study of the metabolism of tumor cells has broadened the understanding of the mechanisms and effects of tumor associated metabolic disorders at various stages of tumor formation due to the emergence of new biochemical, ...
  • Deshko, L.; Vasylchenko, O.; Sherbak, I.; Galai, V.; Medvid, A. (Тбілісі: Georgian Medical News, 2021)
    The article examines the international of Ukraine to implement measures to protect public health and the role of local governments in implementation of health policy. Emphasis is placed on Ukraine's implementation of the ...
  • Nagornyak, Tetyana; Nagornyak, Tetyana (Polski Przegląd Migracyjny THE POLISH MIGRATION REVIEWPolski Przegląd Migracyjny THE POLISH MIGRATION REVIEW, 2018)
    Nowadays, migration processes form under the influence of the state policy and become indicators of efficiency of state institutions. This paper is the authors’ attempt to prove that migration of Ukrainian population ...
  • Modrzejewski, Arkadiusz; Górzna, Sylwia (2012)
    The voice of Karol Wojtyla, better known as John Paul II, is very important among contemporary theologians and Catholic philosophers. Many times the Pope paid attention to scientific issues, i.e. scientific and technological ...
  • Нагорняк, Тетяна (Czech Republic: EUROPEAN POLITICAL AND LAW DISCOURSE international Journal, 2015)
    XXI century demonstrates the trend of disproof the priority of national sovereignty to supranational players and local areas. The article is an effort to find out the specifics of the interaction of two modern political ...
  • Jiang, Yongzhong; Havrysh, Valerii; Klymchuk, Oleksandr; Nitsenko, Vitalii; Balezentis, Tomas; Streimikiene, Dalia (2019)
    Renewable energy is expected to play a significant role in power generation. The European Union, the USA, China, and others, are striving to limit the use of energy crop for energy production and to increase the use of ...
  • Jiang, Yongzhong; Havrysh, Valerii; Klymchuk, Oleksandr; Nitsenko, Vitalii; Balezentis, Tomas; Streimikiene, Dalia (2019)
    Renewable energy is expected to play a significant role in power generation. The European Union, the USA, China, and others, are striving to limit the use of energy crop for energy production and to increase the use of ...
  • Kuryata, Volodymyr; Kuts, Bohdana; Prysedsky, Yuriy (Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2021)
    Functional changes in the source-sink system of maize sprouts under combination of external (light/dark) and hormonal (gibberellic acid/retardant) factors during germination were studied. It was found that the phytohormone ...
  • Tarasenko, Liliia; Pavlotska, Kateryna (Ternopil: Ivan Puluj National Technical University, 2022)
    The rapid process of reforming and improving the tax system contributes to the emergence of new objects for scientific research. The introduction of the electronic register of tax invoices, the electronic administration ...
  • Furdychko, O.I.; Mudrak, O.V.; Yermishev, O.V.; Mudrak, H.V. (2020)
    The quantity of environment contaminators (pollutants) and their combinations cannot be counted and specified. Consequently, the current situation needs a change of principles of ecological control. In our case, the ...
  • Popova, Natalia; Pysmenna, Olena; Buha, Volodymyr; Shmyndruk, Olha; Blashchuk, Tetiana (2020)
    The work aims to analyze the theoretical aspects of the use of information technologies in the mediation process, as well as the aspects of its implementation. The purpose of the investigation is online mediation as a form ...
  • Virtus 
    Асєєва, О.А.; Бредун, І.В.; Компанієць, Л.В.; Горбань, Р.А.; Дячок, О.М.; Зайченко, О.Г.; Мазуркевич, О.П.; Плахтій, М.П.; Барбашова, І.А.; Іванова, В.В.; Кононець, М.О; Винославська, О.В.; Матейко, Н.М.; Пагава, О.В.; Акімова, О.М.; Борбич, Н.В.; Вем’ян, В.Г.; Гавриш, І.І.; Гавриш, В.В.; Герлянд, Т.М.; Греб, М.М.; Грищенко, Я.С.; Волкова, О.А.; Давиденко, В.М.; Матейко, Т.Н.; Ситак, И.В.; Денисюк, О.Я.; Титаренко, Н.В.; Доннік, М.С.; Євтушенко, О.Е.; Єгорова, І.В.; Зеліско, Л.І.; Іваненко, А.М.; Іваненко, В.В.; Калько, І.В.; Керницький, О.М.; Кир’ян, Т.І.; Кляп, М.І.; Білавич, Г.В.; Трач, Н.В.; Голубнича, К.О.; Гуцуляк, Т.Є.; Зелік, О.А.; Козловська, Д.В.; Кучеренко, О.Ф.; Андреєва, Т.Т.; Білавич, І.В.; Кариков, С.А.; Руда, В.В.; Волков, С.В.; Коваленко, Д.А.; Галушка, Є.О.; Івоняк, Н.Д.; Фестич, С.А.; Пакон, О.Д.; Карпенко, А.В. (2017)
  • Modrzejewski, Arkadiusz (Polska: Uniwersytet Gdański, 2017)
    The paper is dedicated to the methodological approach of Andrzej Jan Chodubski (1952–2017), one of the most prominent Polish political scientists and co-creator of political science at the University of Gdansk. His attitude ...
  • Nagornyak, Tetyana (Polska: Emigration Museum in Gdynia, 2017)
    he hybrid war, which has violated Ukraine’s territorial integrity and has been reducing working-age population by claiming the lives of civilians and militaries for the last two years, became the main catalyst for ...
  • Strashok, Anna (Харків: Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого, 2019-05-15)
    In scientific work, the author examines the protection of witnesses in Germany. It is stated thatGermany has specific legislation governing the operation of their witness protection programmes. The WPPs in Germany was ...
  • Ролль, Хайке; Чоботар, О.В.; Джеріх, О.С.; Кущ, Ю.В. (2017)
  • Zaluzhna, Olha (Кам’янець-Подільський: К-ПНУ ім. Івана Огієнка, 2021-03)
    YouTube discourse represents a complex language phenomenon that is gradually becoming the center of numerous topical investigations in the sphere of linguistic research. A discrete character of this discourse type is ...

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