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Browsing Бібліографічні матеріали by Title

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  • Overchuk, Viktoriia (Болгарія: Promising scientific researches of Eurasian scholars, 2022-10)
    The article examines the cognitive biases of Russians that have led to widespread support for the Kremlin's criminal policies, which distort thinking, influence beliefs, and affect the decisions and judgments Russians ...
  • Bahliuk, Y.; Kryzhanivska, I. (2018)
    In the article theprocess of ecologization motor car industry in the world is considered. It is defined, that extrass of exhaust-gass of cars are principal reason of exceeding maximum of possible concentrations of ...
  • Reshetnyk, Kateryna; Prysedsky, Yurіy; Yuskov, Dmytro (Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2019)
    Thearticle presents the results of the study on the influence of laser irradiation on the development of vegetative mycelium and the period of the occurrence of the corcules of the fruit bodies of Pleurotusostreatus. ...
  • Yuriy, Prysedsky; Yuriy, Lykholat (Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2017)
    Industrial pollution of soil exerts a great negative influence on plant organisms. In particular, plants that grow in soil polluted with high-density metals, sulfur compounds (SO42–), chlorine (Cl–), etc., are characterized ...
  • Shkurat, Mariia; Temerbek, Alisa (2020)
    The paper emphasises the fact that innovation is a driver for development and a leading factor in economic growth and ensuring a high level of competitiveness. The impetus for further development is given to those countries ...
  • Lopushnyak, Lopushnyak; Overchuk, Victoria; Ukraynets, Liliya; Rudakova, Svetlana; Kabachenko, Dmytro (International Strategic Management Association, EU, 2020)
    Purpose: In modern conditions new forms of employment are being introduced. The purpose of scientific investigation is to reveal and analyze the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of employment’s innovative ...
  • Neprytska, Tetyana I.; Denisiyk, Svitlana G. (Bydgoszcz: Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego, 2016)
    The essence of political myths, their structure and key functions have been analyzed in the article. The peculiarities of the political myths’ creation in the Ukrainian society have been also characterized. It has been ...
  • Іонін, Є.Є.; Тарасенко, Л.О. (2020)
    The gas industry of Ukraine is a significant component of the fuel and energy complex of the country. Being a party to the Treaty establishing the Energy Community, and also in the framework of the signed association ...
  • Sokhatsky, Fedir M.; Fryz, Iryna V. (Czech Republic: COMMENTATIONES MATHEMATICAE UNIVERSITATIS CAROLINAE, 2012)
    We study the Invertibility of operations that are a composition of two operations of arbitrary arities. We find the criterion for quasigroups and specifications for T-quasigroups. For this purpose, we introduce notions of ...
  • Atamanchuk, Z.; Zavydovska, A. (Svishtov,Bulgaria: SWorld & D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, 2022)
    The article considers the Unified Energy System (UES) of Ukraine, its main capacities. The structure of electricity generation and consumption in Ukraine is studied. Electricity prices for household consumers in Ukraine ...
  • Кадомський, К.К.; Ніколюк, П.К. (2019)
    Навчальний посібник призначений для студентів природничих спеціальностей університетів при вивченні курсу «Java-програмування». У цьому курсі студенти знайомляться із основами технології Java, можливостями мови програмування ...
  • Ізмалкова, А.В. (2019)
    Розкрито суть маніпулятивного впливу комунікативної тактики «зміщення акценту» на реципієнта. Досліджені структурні та комунікативні особливості рекламних текстів, в яких використана тактика «зміщення акценту», на прикладі ...
  • Abdullin, A.I.; Akimenko, Y.Y.; Antsupova, T.О.; Asatullin, I.R.; Biriukov, P.N.; Davletgildeev, R.Sh.; Galushko, D.V.; Gladenko, О.М.; Grynyuk, R.F.; Tuliakov, V.A.; Keshner, M.V.; Kislitsina, O.V.; Krakovskaya, A.E.; Kryvtsova, I.S.; Mylnikova, I.Y.; Racheva, S.S.; Romanchuk, S.V.; Shaykhutdinova, G.R.; Turchenko, O.G.; Tyurina, N.E.; Yakovlev, A.A.; Zhdanov, I.N. (2016)
    The article describes the modern international legal framework for the universal and regional regulation of the status of migrant workers, shows scientific approaches to regulating certain types of labor migration and ...
  • Краснобаєва-Чорна, Ж.В. (2019)
  • Іщук, Н.; Свіргун, А. (2020)
    У статті розглядається використання лінгвістичних аспектів в англійських рекламних слоганах. Матеріалом для дослідження є корпус із понад 200 англомовних слоганів комерційної реклами, вибірково відібраних з Інтернет-джерел. ...
  • Загнітко, Анатолій; Краснобаєва-Чорна, Жанна; Гушпіт, Ольга; Ситар, Ганна; Важеніна, Олена; Клименко, Наталія; Мельник, Наталія; Романишин, Наталія; Царьова, Ірина; Мізін, Костянтин; Коростенські, Йиржі; Черненко, Ольга; Болкарьова, Олександра; Антонюк, Олена; Загнітко, Анатолій; Мойсієнко, Анатолій; Струганець, Любов (2020)
    The collection considers current issues of the theory of language, ascertains the tendencies of evolution of morphological and syntactic categories, identifies the topical issues of comparative-typological study of languages, ...
  • Kostenyuk, Y.; Kapitonets, M. (2019)
    The article defines the concepts of «outsourcing» and «insourcing», identifies the main types of outsourcing. Outsourcing and insourcing are characterized by a comparative method. It has been determined that outsourcing ...
  • Polovyi, Mykola (Bucharest, Romania: International Political Science Conference, 2019-06)
    The paper is an attempt to estimate the influence of long-term structural-demographic factors on political stability in contemporary transitive states such as Ukraine. Interpretation of this synergetic factor is lean on ...

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