Короткий опис(реферат):
Purpose of the study: The purpose of the article is to identify trends in the legal regulation of social protection at the
global, regional and national levels in the process of achieving decent work and sustainable development. The object of
the study is the sphere of social protection as a pillar of decent work and a moving force of sustainable development, and
its subject is the mechanisms of legal regulation of this sphere at the global, regional, and national levels.
Methodology: The methodological basis of the research is dialectics, synergies, and hermeneutics. The research
methods cover a system of general scientific and special legal means and methods of knowledge, method of abstraction
and generalization, analytical, formal-logical, and logical-semantic approaches.
Main Findings: It is proved that it is advisable to apply a synergistic approach to identifying and defining trends in the
legal regulation of social protection as a pillar of decent work and a moving force of sustainable development. It is
determined that in developed, developing countries and countries with economies in transition, there is a need to prepare
modern National Social Protection Strategies at the legislative level or to improve existing strategies, taking into account
the provisions of the 2030 Sustainable Development Programme and the ILO Decent Work Programme.
Applications of this study: The results of this research can be used to formulate public policy in social security and
labor in Ukraine. Ideological findings will improve labor legislation. The research algorithm will be useful for students
as well as graduate students in the study of labor law problems.
Novelty/Originality of this study: The originality of this research is the use of a synergistic approach for the
consideration of social protection as the foundation of decent work and the moving force of sustainable development.
This approach is unconventional in the science of labor law. It helped to identify important areas for improvement of
legal regulation of social protection at the global, regional, and national levels.