Introduction. It was found that the body's response to various stressful effects is
largely determined by the ratio of the tone of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the
autonomic nervous system. It was revealed that in those days when a predominance of the
parasympathetic nervous system tone was noted stressful effects caused more significant and
negative changes in the body. The autonomic nervous system is also influenced by climatic
factors. Materials and methods. 5305 males of different age were examined with the help of
functional vegetative diagnostics according to the method of V. Makats. The bioelectric
activity of 12 symmetric pairs of functionally active zones of the skin (24 FAZ), 12 on the
hands and 12 on the feet, which reflect the functional activity of the sympathetic and
parasympathetic nervous systems were studied. Results. In the study of systemic age
dependence in all male observation groups the change of seasons of the year has been found
to lead to changes in functional activity and homeostasis of the organism. The seasonal indicators of the activity of functional systems (FS) are clearly observed to duplicate the norm
line, differing in amplitude and having the same orientation. Moreover, the presence of
significant changes in the studied parameters of activity indicators of FS with the norm line
indicates that all seasons of the year were characterized by differences. Conclusions. It has
been established that the season change on the body leads to significant changes in functional
activity and homeostasis of men of different age groups. The dependence of these indicators
indicates a species evolutionary adaptation of a human to seasonal changes in climatic